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Smiles International Slideshow

Acuna Girls"Smiles International Foundation: Providing Excellence in Education and Charitable Surgical Care".

Historically, the Smiles International Foundation (SIF) was formed as a DBA of the Pacific Clinical Research Foundation, which in turn, was founded by Dr. Jeffrey J. Moses in 1987 in order to provide clinical research and education for advanced maxillofacial surgical techniques as well as to develop "outcome-based" publications which significantly improved patient managements nationwide. Since then, it has grown into a foundation which establishes longitudinal interdisciplinary clinics which become self-sufficient within their host countries treating underprivileged children with dento-facial cleft and craniofacial deformities for free, throughout the children's development.
    Monies generated by symposiums and consultations are channeled into charitable mission clinics as well as international fellowships and education. Dr. Moses directly works to found mission startup clinics and participated with Rotary International; co-founding project Thousand Smiles Foundation's Ensenada, Mexico clinic which was formed in order to provide the most direct, efficient and cost-effective surgery for children afflicted with facial deformities. This foundation continued alliance with Dr. Moses surgical team leadership and board directorship for over 20 years while Smiles International Foundation continued with it's mission goals and initiated clinics with Rotary in Tecate-Mexico, Cd. Juarez-Mexico and San Jose-Costa Rica as well as at other numerous site locations for the benefit of other organizations.  International Medical Alliance, Flying Samaritans,and Variety Children's Lifeline, Smile Train, and Project Hope for India have all formed partnerships with Smiles International for founding of clinics in the Ukraine, India, Panama, Guatemala, Africa and other countries. 
One of the unique features of this foundation's efforts that sets it apart from similar projects is the complete dedication of the Foundation's commitment to the comprehensive professional team approach for the children's care which is then combined with longitudinal applications of the surgical and clinical treatments over the full term of growth. All donations go directly for patient care since the administrative costs of the organization are funded separately through the Founder's donations.
First Surgical Mission Team

First Surgical Mission Team Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Surgeons Operate Together


Major programs have included projects in the following sites:

 Mexico: (Tecate, Ensenada,Cd Juarez, Cabo San Lucas)
 Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk, DneproDhzrinsk
 India: (Mori Podu, Andrah Pradesh)
 Costa Rica: (San Jose)
 African Ivory Coast (Sokogrobo,Alepe)

Additional Comments from the Organization

This foundation has been noted in numerous news articles Internationally in Costa Rica in La Nation News, in Mexico in Juarez Times,both in the newspaper and television Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, and in California, USA in the San Diego Magazine, North County Times, and the San Diego Union Tribune.  These articles are sometimes linked to the Rotary Thousand Smiles Foundation or the Pacific Center for Jaw and Facial Surgery, with the advancements in surgical and technical care for children afflicted with cleft and craniofacial deformities. Additional noted achievements included numerous publications of book chapters and peer-reviewed journal articles addressing advanced maxillofacial surgical techniques in distraction osteogenesis, TMJ Arthroscopic surgery, cosmetic-facial procedures, and cleft and craniofacial surgical procedures. These also relate the outcome-based results with clinical success enabling the inclusion of techniques within the Medical CPT Code standards for insurance recognition.

Financial Comments from the Organization

This foundation was initially financed from proceeds donated by the Founder through work provided at his private practice and through hands-on surgical seminars and consultation work. Upon the retirement of the Founder from private practice, increased demand for the Foundation's services have led to allowing monies from corporate donors, individuals and family foundations to be received in order to further expand the mission work which allows enhanced participation directly from the donor parties. This greatly expands the ability of the Foundation to start new clinic mission sites as well as increase the scope of care provided.