Sub-Saharan African Projects:
A Partnership to Provide African People Access to Clean Drinking Water
How a Test Site Really Changed Lives !!!!
Freetown Mission Village,
Sierra Leone, West Africa
Children Gather Contaminated Water
Girls Typically Carry the Water 6 Km back to the Village Daily Missing School and Education
So, Let's Bring the Water to the Village and Clean it UP!
With Shorter Water Transport Time, Above Photos Show Girls Back in School
Water Borne Disease leads to Dehydration and High Infant Morbidity and Mortality
With Reliable Clean Water, Infants Thrive and Receive Other Surgical-Medical Care

The Village Leadership is Trained with simple Maintenance and Shows Pride
Now the Children Have a Chance for a Healthy Future
A Single Unit Provide 10,000 Gallons per day and Provides a Village of 5,000 its daily needs.
It Costs $40K for one Unit with a Maintained Lifespan of 10 Years
This Region in Sierra Leone has remained Diarrhea and Typhoid Free after the project ...
See Next Web-Page on Details of Water Missions International's Modular Solar Powered Purification Unit