Costa Rica College of Dental Surgeons
"Honored Guest "Dessert-Lecture"
February 2019,
TMJ Arthrocopic Surgery
Facial Pain Relief Institute 
Over 130 Professional Dental Surgeons attended the 2019 Special Breakfast Dessert Lecture performed by members of the Facial Pain Relief Institute of Costa Rica. Topics on TMDysfunction management for specific conditions related to intra-articular TMJ diseases were covered along with the physical therapy management before and after the Minimally Invasive Arthroscopic procedures.  Examples of patients with their verbal and video documentation testimonies were fascinating and well received by all.  The presenters, Dr. Andres Gonzales Madriz, Dr. Jorge Oviedo Quiros, TEAM Physical Therapists Lcda. Daniela DeLeon and Lcda. Laura Martinez.
Images of Inflammed Intra-articular tissues of the TMJ of the following testimonial pain patient:
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 Amazing testimonial of therapeutic results from 15 minute arthroscopic procedure from patient with severe and debilitating TMD. *(Spanish language) used with written patient's consent for internet media demonstrative purposes.