It was statistically proven that load distribution via relatively simple arthroscopic lysis of adhesions, synovial impingement release, and reversal of chronic capsular fibrosis, followed by therapeutic lavage and appropriate physical therapy was sufficient to provide a 90-92% success rate providing return of functionality with significant pain reduction for patients documented with long term follow-up.
Furthermore, it was shown that, unless underlying biomechanical stressor issues were resolved following restoration of superior joint compartment mobilization enhancing subsequent load distribution, comfortable joint function would fail again having it’s its adaptive synovial responses overwhelmed. This resulted in a change in basic assumptions of therapeutic therapies involving facial-skeletal corrections diagnosed as contributing factors that required correction for these patients. It has been shown that over 38% of patients exhibiting TMD have concurrent skeletofacial deformities.
This course provides the Maxillofacial Surgeon with evidenced based rationale didactics and therapeutic methods for office based arthroscopic restoration of TM Joint function and hands-on fresh cadaver training with seasoned faculty.
Each course session dates encompass 2 weekend days including 1.5 days of hands-on laboratory cadaver experience using state-of-the-art arthroscopic equipment provided in this private practice schedule-friendly course. Each session provides each of the participants 3 high quality fresh frozen cephalic specimens to learn as the surgeon and 3 to learn as the assistant surgeon performing fundamentals of level I and level II arthroscopic maneuvers as well as be introduced to level III procedures including the Endaural Puncture approach for medial and lateral joint space visualizations and triangulation and discopexy. Confirmation Arthrocentesis training with the new disposable Arthrex NanoScope has been added as a procedure much desired for many pain management centers. Participants will be offered time to gain personal insights on facilitated surgical techniques for open joint access upon conclusion of their arthroscopic experiences.
Further enhancing the participants' experiences, opportunity is given to the registrants to have personal assistance from faculty to monitor the incorporation of these techniques into their practices. They will have the opportunity to individually arrange faculty procedure monitoring visits to their private practices and help coordinate with their physical therapists.
Practical Comparisons for other Courses:
- Cadaveric Demonstrations on each Arthroscopic level will precede each stage of the lab.
- Mentored one-one-one demonstrations on cadaveric experience with each participant working with each of the faculty individually with attendee pairs, rotating each half day lab session to give participants access to the "pearls" of each of the seasoned experienced faculty.
- (3 specimens/per attendee/per session: 3 cadaveric TMJ's per attendee as a primary surgeon and 3 cadaveric TMJ's as a first assistant.) (16 Certified CE Hours awarded).
- With Mini-Residency = 9 total Cadaveric Specimens/Per attendee: 9 cadaveric TMJ's per attendee as primary surgeon and 9 cadaveric TMJ's as first assistant. (48 Certified CE Hours awarded).
There will be opportunities for observation of live cases with several of the faculty outside the lab session. In addition, there are opportunities for faculty visits to be arranged to attendee's private offices for monitored first cases if desired as well as AAAHC certification preparation evaluations.
Courses are currently planned for :
April 26-27, 2025
June 7-8, 2025
August 23-24, 2025
October 11-12, 2025
Contact Dr. Moses and register your interest in attendance and indicate which sessions hold the most interest. Choose one, or several sessions to expand your horizons of patient care all the while enjoying the evening social events provided registrants at the Jazz-Texas venue along the famous San Antonio Pearl District nearby the Alamo and RiverWalk!